Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cookies and Friends

Cowboy Cookies are food porn.

These were so damn delicious! I could keep eating them all day long! This was definintely my YOLO meal/treat that I'm making for this week.

Cowboy Cookies
They had oats, pecans, chocolate chips, sugar, flour, and all of the other essential ingrediants for making cookies. They were chewy, dense, and even a little crunchy around the edges- just the way I like it!  There were bursts of sweet and salty from the chocolate chips and nuts. YUM!!
Total. Food. Porn.
What is your favorite yolo meal? Favorite food porn?  Tell me, I want to know!

After eating a half dozen cookies... it was time to work it off with my workout buddy, Justin!

What's better than working out?  Working out with a friend, of course!  My friend Justin, whom I met through working at Starbucks, and I love working out together. It's a time for us to catch up with one another, get super sweaty,and  kick each others ass's...well more like I kick his ass ;)

 I finally figured out what this is that I'm doing! It's called a tricep plank. It will create leaner and stronger triceps. I like me some sexy arms :) You start out in a military push-up position, keeping your tricpes and elbows glued to your rib cage. (See, my elbows are NOT sticking out from my sides.) Then you lower yourself about 75% from your starting position.  Try doing this 3 times, each for 30 seconds.
Justin is working his core by doing crunches and sit-ups on an incline bench. Using an incline bench will really help strengthen your whole core and abdominals. The incline bench will also work your hip flexors. For more resistance, hold a weight in front of your chest and perform sit-ups and crunches.  Mmm sexy abs!
Seriously, though? Get up. Grab a friend. And go workout! It is so much better than working out alone. You'll have more energy, more stamina. You'll be able to run longer, faster, you'll be able to complete more reps. You and your friend will push each other, push limits, and help each other become stronger! I know that when I workout with a friend,especially Justin,  that I have much more energy than if I were to workout alone. We have so much fun together-mostly laughing at each other! Seems like fun, right?! Right! So go grab a friend, some water, and go workout! 

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