Monday, August 5, 2013

Apple Season is here!

I love apples! Especially honey crisp apples.  Apples are in season all year around, but their peak is during July through November, which means it's already apple season and I want to eat them all! Many apples are ready to go by September, so start stocking up. Here are a few nutritional facts, apple facts, and recipe ideas:

Nutritional Facts for a medium-sized apple:

  • 72 calories
  • 3 grams of fiber, mostly from the skin, so eat it!
  • 11% of your daily vitamin C
  • Contains flavonoids, which are said to help fight heart disease and cancer
  • Contains beta-carotene. This is vitamin A, which helps build healthy bones, skin, and eyes.
  • Helps lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Helps stabilize blood pressure and it has an ingredient that works as an appetite suppressant (so you'll stay fuller, longer). 

Did you know?

  • That apples are part of the rose family. Pears are too!
  • That there are over 7,000 varieties of apples in the world.
  • The average American eats over 20 pounds of apples a year.

Recipe Ideas:

  • Homemade applesauce-my goal is to actually make homemade applesauce this year! I've always wanted to, I just never have gotten around to it.
  • Candied apples
  • Scotch apple pie
  • Apple cake
  • Baked apples
Click here and here for my sources and recipes that I've mentioned above!

Happy eating, happy cooking, and have a happy day!

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