Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pre & Post-Workout Meals

Getting proper nutrition before and after a workout is essential for your body, energy, and muscles.

Pre-Workout Meals

  • These meals and snacks should be high in carbohydrates and easily digestible. Any kind of complex carbs are your best choice-bread, oatmeal, bananas, rice, potatoes.
  • Foods with a low glycemic index are a better option because they maintain blood glucose levels and glycogen stores, which will help maintain your energy.
  • It's best to eat a meal or snack high in carbs about 1-2 hours before you exercise.

Post-Workout Meals

  • These meals and snacks should have a higher glycemic index to give you energy and to begin recovery. Simple carbs are your best choice-sports drinks and juice are good options.
  • About 1-2 hours after a workout, it is best to eat a well-balanced meal.
  • Protein should definitely be eaten because it will promote muscle gain and synthesis,
    • BONUS: The more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your metabolism, will be!

Not sure of what to eat to help fuel a workout or for recovery? Click here for 50 great pre & post-workout meals and snacks!

Here are a few quick meals that I like to have!

 An egg omelet stuffed with spinach and topped with home made pico de gallo! I had a slice of toast with avocados on top, too. This is a great pre-workout meal.

Quinoa with a fried egg and a side of sliced avocados. This meal is high in protein and healthy fats-great post-workout meal and great for building muscle.

  Peaches with cottage cheese is a super simple post-workout snack for when I'm crunched for time! High in protein, low in fat!

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