Monday, July 1, 2013


 Lately I've been struggling with finding motivation to workout. I typically like to workout 5-6 times a week, doing pilates and cardio. But last week I decided to take a week off because I hadn't been feeling well and now it's monday morning and I still have no motivation or energy to workout.  How are you supposed to find motivation when all you want to do is sleep and be lazy or even just give up? That's how I'm currently feeling-giving up.
For me, I know that if I just get up off my ass and tell myself, "hey, you're going to workout today!", that I would begin to feel better, be less tired, and have more energy. I would be able to find my motivation again to workout almost everyday. But still, it's hard to find motivation when all you want to do is be lazy. 
So, today is July 1st and I choose to begin working out again, just like I have been. I will start my July workout calendar that I use from my favorite fitness blogger, Blogilates. It will be hard, but I will enjoy it! I just have to do it!
Today, I choose to be sore tomorrow. What do you choose?

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