Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Feast and Fitness

Thanksgiving is just a few days away now and the rest of the holiday season, too! The holidays tend to be a time when people gain a few pounds and store some extra fat on their bodies for the winter season, but there are ways to keep those few stubborn pounds off. You can eat and enjoy the foods you love, while maintaining your weight. The key is to pick the right foods. No, you don't have to eat everything that is laid out for the holiday feast. Pick your favorites, eat a lot of the good, and stay away from the sugar-infested foods!

Cranberry Sauce:
  • Just stay away from it. It looks gross anyways. And one serving has 22 grams of sugar! Just no.
Pumpkin Pie vs. Pecan Pie:
  • These two desserts tend to be associated with a thanksgiving dinner. So which one do you choose? Go for the pumpkin pie. One slice will have roughly 200 less calories, half of the fat, 11 grams less of sugar, more protein, and fewer carbs.

Rolls, Stuffing, and Potatoes:
  • Starch, starch and more starch! All of this starch and carbs will make you bloated. Yes, I know these are all delicious-I love them, too! My suggestion is not have all 3, but one or two. I always go for the stuffing-so flavorful YUM! And I usually have a roll because I can't get enough of my carbs. Just don't over do it on the carbs!
Turkey vs. Ham:
  • Okay, I don't really have anything for this section. I've heard of some people having ham on thanksgiving (weird) but its cool. I guess if you had a choice, I'd go for the turkey since its a lean protein. Lots of protein, basically no fat! Ham has some fat, but it has much more sodium! Sodium will also bloat you, so drinks lots of water to flush out the sodium.
Vegetables and Salads:
  • Load up on the veggies! I always make sure that half of my plate is covered in veggies. Lots of fiber, no fat, no sugar, and helps make you feel full. If you're also having a salad, put a small amount of salad dressing on-no need for the extra calories and extra sugar.
Even after all of this delicious-ness, you feel stuffed, bloated, and a little gassy (maybe?).  An important component to keep those holiday pounds off (and pounds in general) is exercise. I have the perfect post-meal workout. A food baby workout! You will feel much better afterwards. Do this video 4 times for the best results!

Alright, that's all I have. Enjoy your thanksgiving with friends, family and other loved ones! Remember to make wise choices with foods (but still enjoying them!) and continue to workout. Have a happy and healthy holiday season! :)
*The above are my personal opinions and random facts that I have read about in the past and have remembered. There are no sources for this post. Remember, most of these are MY opinions, not necessarily true facts.

Instagram Follow me on instagram to see what I'm eating and inspiration!

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